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Shrimant Rajasaheb & Smt. Lilavatidevi Patwardhan


The Chief of Jamkhandi

Shrimant Appasaheb Patwardhan:

Shrimant Ramchandrarao Appasaheb Patwardhan, the chief of Jamkhandi worshipped Rameshwara and sent His “teerth” (Holy water). The mother of Gurudev took the Holy water with great faith, devotion and prayer. Consequently, Smt. Parvatibai delivered a male child- Ramchandra (Gurudev R. D. Ranade).

Shrimant Lilavatidevi Patwardhan:

“Shri Gurudev Ranade’s philosophical writings have earned for him a world-wide reputation. If he is great as a scholar, he is greater far as a mystic who has attained the heights of spiritual life. It is no exaggeration to say that the citizens of Jamkhandi feel that kind of love and reverence for him, which was felt by the inhabitants of Alandi for Shri Dnyaneshwar or by the inhabitants of Jamb for Shri Ramadas.

Jamkhandi has a high Parmarthic tradition. It is hallowed by the Samadhis of many a saint like Shri Kadasiddheshwar, Shri Sadanand and Shri Ajmirsaheb. It was also one of the chief centres of Shri Sadguru Bhausaheb Maharaj’s spiritual activity. We all rejoice to find that Gurudev Ranade has not only maintained the same noble tradition but has enriched it by his own example and teaching.”4 (On behalf of Gurudev Ranade Satkar Samiti, Jamkhandi.)4-Prof. R. D. Ranade: Philosophical and other Essays (1956) Preface.